The Nowa Centre

The Nowa Omoigui Centre for the advancement of art, history, and medicine (“the Nowa Centre”), is a family driven initiative set up as a tribute to the legacy of Dr. Nowamagbe Austin Omoigui, and to preserve his intellectual property and body of work in the three fields of endeavor that represent his life’s work written over many years and covering topics ranging from Nigerian and Edo history to geopolitics to national security. Proposed to be situated in Edo, Lagos, or Abuja, the Centre would be open to the public as a veritable and authentic repository of information for general interests and scholarly pursuits.


The overarching goals and objectives for the Centre is to create a virtual and physical research hub within Benin City and globally. The Centre would curate rare historical materials and publications inclusive of historical artefacts and archaeological findings of significance. The Centre will also encourage and solicit the donation of books, articles, artefacts, art, mementoes and other items of ancient and contemporary significance by individuals and families with due recognition accorded.

Latest Release

An Overview of the
Evolution of the Nigerian

A deep dive into the growth and times of the Nigerian Army. 

The Southern and Northern Regiments and their respective commanders.

Top Documentary

The Biafra War

A documentary of the actions that led to one of the most brutal wars in Nigerian history.

Africa's looted art | DW Documentary

A History of Nigeria by Jide Olanrewaju Naij

The Rise and Fall of the Great Benin Kingdom


Vulputate vulputate eget cursus nam ultricies mauris, malesuada elementum lacus arcu, sit dolor ipsum, ac felis, egestas vel tortor eget aenean.

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